I’ve got your results...
You Would Make A Great Data scientist!
You have an analytical mind, and you take a methodical approach to solving problems. You like to read, but you’re also interested in maths and science, and you’ve always got one eye on the future. These personality traits mean that you’re a good fit for a career as a data scientist.

Data scientists translate raw data into useful information. This job is all about predicting trends and solving complex problems. Data science may not sound like the most glamorous of career paths, but recent years have seen it grow into a highly lucrative and prestigious industry – in fact, a 2012 article in Harvard Business Review dubbed data scientist ‘The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century’!

If you like the idea of analysing stats and working out what all those numbers actually mean for the future, then you would make a superb data scientist.
Fields you could specialise in:
Data Engineering
Data Analysis
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Areas a data scientist might work in:

Famous Data scientists you may have heard of...
Andrew Ng
Andrew Ng
 Hilary Mason
Hilary Mason
 Bernard Marr
Bernard Marr
 Lillian Pierson
Lillian Pierson
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